icon WebGPU Shader Toy

Pushed WebGPU Shader Toy update: v2024.09.08

  • Added a History menu to undo/redo Shader level changes.
  • Added a Quick Export shortcut (Cmd + S / Ctrl + S).
  • Added the ability to reset the settings only.
  • Added a way to import a shader given a URL.
  • Moved some examples outside the code and imported via URL.
  • Added 2 examples: Fire and Marble.
icon WebGPU Shader Toy

Pushed WebGPU Shader Toy update: v2024.08.18

  • Added support for macOS keyboard shortcuts.
  • Changed the “Compile Shader” shortcut to be Ctrl + D (resp. Cmd + D) as Cmd + Space is already taken.
  • Added an alternate way of rendering the shader in fullscreen mode: holding the Alt key preserves the size/ratio of the shader window.
  • Upgraded emscripten-glfw to v3.4.0.20240817 which enables using macOS shortcuts and copy/paste in any text field (not just the editor).
icon WebGPU Shader Toy

The source code for WebGPU Shader Toy is now available on github.

icon WebGPU Shader Toy

Pushed WebGPU Shader Toy update: v2024.07.29

  • Added the ability to swap the panes
icon WebGPU Shader Toy

Pushed WebGPU Shader Toy update: v2024.07.21

  • In automatic layout mode, added the ability to resize the two panes easily by clicking and dragging the space between them. Double-clicking will revert to an even split.
icon WebGPU Shader Toy

Pushed WebGPU Shader Toy update: v2024.07.19

  • Added the ability to duplicate a shader (right-click on its name for a popup, or select the option in the Shader menu)
  • Handle error cases in dialogs (empty name, duplicate name, invalid size, etc…)
  • Added Ctrl + A and Ctrl + E shortcuts for beginning / end of line shortcuts (Select All is now Ctrl + Shift + A)</li>
icon WebGPU Shader Toy

Pushed WebGPU Shader Toy update: v2024.07.15

  • Tweaked keyboard navigation: make sure that the editor always has preference
  • Limit the size of the error message window
  • Tweaked version number to make it more readable
icon WebGPU Shader Toy

Pushed WebGPU Shader Toy update: v2024.07.14

  • Added the ability to take a screenshot
    • : take a screenshot instantly (use the previous/default format)
    • : open the menu to select a format and a filename
  • Added the ability to enable/disable shader rendering ()
icon WebGPU Shader Toy

I am very happy to announce the release of WebGPU Shader Toy, a tool for experimenting with WebGPU fragment shaders and the WebGPU Shading Language (WGSL)
